Suède Suède Södermöre, Municipalité de Kalmar Dialogue et informations avec les seniors

« Södermöre, Municipalité de Kalmar » participe à la Semaine européenne de la démocratie locale - un événement paneuropéen coordonné par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe - en tant que « ¨Participant »

Dialogue et informations avec les seniors

19 persons came to the event where the municipality gave information of the work with senior people and also invited to dialogue with the same subject. Our municipality consist of a large number of elder people and it´s therefore an important target group for our municipality and local politicians. The municipality gave information of one of our meeting points for senior people where different activities are offered. We also informed the participants of a new way of working with dementia ill persons. We also informed about a new network which aim is to prevent the feeling of loneliness that many elder people are feeling and that can causes depressions. We ended our information by giving feedback on what the municipality have worked with the last year. And in the end the participants were able to ask questions to the politicians. We ended the meeting with an evaluation that showed that the dialogue and information were appreciated by the participants.