Partner cities
As a village of 169 inhabitants169 inhabitants,, Le MasLe Mas is located in theis located in the hinterlandhinterland of Grasseof Grasse ((Alpes-Alpes-Maritimes-Maritimes-FranceFrance)).. It is knownIt is known for its uniquefor its unique environment,, its heritageits heritage and its diverse culturaland its diverse cultural activities.activities. Since 2008,Since 2008, the municipal teamthe municipal team is committed tois committed to promotingpromoting European integrationEuropean
Read more »METZ
Metz is a city in the northeast of France located at the confluence of the Moselle and the Seille rivers. Metz is the capital and the prefecture of both the Lorraine region and the Moselle department.
Read more »Partner associations
ALDA - the European Association for Local Democracy
The European Association for Local Democracy is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion of good governance and citizen participation at local level. ALDA focuses on activities that facilitate co-operation between local authorities and civil
Read more »Association Migration Solidarité et Echanges pour le Développement
The mission of AMSED is to promote and implement intercultural exchanges, events, activities linked to labour market inclusion and development in France, and especially among people of migrant background. The organisation also seeks to build solid and profound
Read more »Centre d'Etudes et de Prospective Stratégique - CEPS
Read more »European Federation of Schools
The European Federation of SchoolsEuropean Federation of Schools is anis an NGONGO with consultativewith consultative status in the Councilstatus in the Council of Europe.of Europe.
Read more »French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE)
AFCCRE is a national association, created in 1951 under the initiative of a number of local representatives. Based on the town twinning movement in Europe after World War II, AFCCRE has gradually diversified its activities to cover European policies that are of
Read more »Institute for Urban Planning and Development of Paris (IAURP) - Ile de France
The Institute for Urban Planning and DevelopmentUrban Planning and Development - Ile- Ile de France (IAU-idF) is ade France (IAU-idF) is a registered public utility foundationregistered public utility foundation, member of, member of the International Federationthe International Federation for Housing and for Housing and PlanningPlanning,, an NGONGO withwith participatory status inparticipatory status in the Council of the Council of Europe.Europe.
International Permanent Secretariat Human Rights and Local Governments (SPIDH)
The International Permanent Secretariat Human Rights and Local Governments (SPIDH) is a permanent structure, set up as a French association (under the French 1901 Act) in 2007 with two complementary missions:
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