« Edremit » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »
Heritage Days
Edremit, Sebahattin Ali Museum
From 09/10/2023 to 09/10/2023
Edremit Municipality celebrates the European Heritage Days since 2022 in the frame of the activities aimed to ensure visibility to the Council of Europe and to its tasks and duties.
According to this year theme "Living Heritage", the municipality invited a group of students from a local elementary school for a guided visit to the local museum dedicated to Sebahattin Ali, the famous writer author of "Madonna with Fur Coat", translated in several European languages and considered as one of the greatest exponents of modern Turkish literature.
Sebahattin Ali is deeply bound to the city of Edremit where he spent his childhood and started to cultivate his passion for literature and writing. Several novels are set in Edremit and the collection of photographs of Edremit that Sebahattin Ali took during his life is very famous as well. Sebahattin Ali died in 1948 and he left a precious production of novels, articles and photographs which describe and depict the city of Edremit as it appeared during the first years of the XXth century.
During the visit to the museum young students had the opportunity to be acquainted with a very significant cultural heritage of our city which represent an important part of our local cultural identity.