Türkiye Türkiye Buca Municipality First At Home Then In The Neighborhood Project

« Buca Municipality » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »

First At Home Then In The Neighborhood Project

Buca Municipality Sustainability and Innovation Center
From 16/01/2023 to 17/03/2023
“First at Home Then at Neighborhood Project” is a training programme that was given to 20 pre-school students and their mothers about climate change, environment, waste decomposition at home and at the neighbourhoods. The students have done recycling with the waste that they have collected at homes. The plastic wastes are measured at the end of the programme and the students who collected most plactics than the other are rewarded with “Eco Kid” badge and their mothers are rewarded with “Eco Woman” badge.There were totally 4 trainings and workshops within the project's process. At the end of the programme, one of the project partners, Pegasus Airlines interviewed with the mothers, kids and the project teams about the trainings and workshops. Those interviews are used as podcasts to create awareness about environment.
Image du partenaire