Greece Greece Municipality of Agii Anargiri - Kamatero

Municipality of Agii Anargiri - Kamatero

« Municipality of Agii Anargiri - Kamatero » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero (AAK) consists of two former municipalities-cities, namely Agii Anargiri and Kamatero, which were merged into one Municipality-City in 2011. The differences between the two residential units in terms of their characteristics and benefits to the citizens are significant, so various actions to enable convergence have been adopted. The city is part of the area of greater Athens, it covers an area of 9,11 km² and is located in the northwest part of Attica Region at a distance of 6 km from the Athens city center. The Municipality of AAK is mainly a residential area, but includes the 301st Military Technical Base covering 0,22 km². According to the

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Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero (AAK) consists of two former municipalities-cities, namely Agii Anargiri and Kamatero, which were merged into one Municipality-City in 2011. The differences between the two residential units in terms of their characteristics and benefits to the citizens are significant, so various actions to enable convergence have been adopted. The city is part of the area of greater Athens, it covers an area of 9,11 km² and is located in the northwest part of Attica Region at a distance of 6 km from the Athens city center. The Municipality of AAK is mainly a residential area, but includes the 301st Military Technical Base covering 0,22 km². According to the 2021 Census data, the population of AAK, currently, amounts to a total of 61.427 people. It mainly consists of lower middle class and working-class employees and workers. The city shares the characteristics of the municipalities located at the western part of Athens, namely, they are among the poorest areas surrounding the City of Athens. However, the City of AAK has adopted an ambitious development strategy which addresses carbon neutrality, climate change adaptation, innovation, health, mobility, biodiversity, circular economy, sustainable energy. The City’s Business Plan is very ambitious and is expected to bring a major shift in the city’s profile in the years to come, designating environmental considerations as one of the key drivers for sustainable growth and development.

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Partner(s) :


Activity referring to the leading theme "Local communities: putting democratic resilience at the forefront"

Decrease Households Vulnerability to Energy Poverty

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero
From 09/02/2024 to 09/02/2024

Decrease School Building Vulnerability to Energy Poverty

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero
From 06/03/2024 to 06/03/2024

Decrease School Building Vulnerability to Energy Poverty

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero
From 20/04/2024 to 20/04/2024

Climate Crisis Awareness Event

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero
From 28/11/2024 to 28/11/2024

Participation in Roundtable Discussion about Municipal Energy Efficiency Projects

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero
From 09/10/2024 to 11/10/2024

Lectures focusing on Energy Saving in the Open Municipal University of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero
From 28/02/2024 to 28/02/2024

The contents of this web page are published under the responsibility of Municipality of Agii Anargiri - Kamatero


Image du partenaire
61.427 inhabitants