Poland Poland City of Mińsk Mazowiecki

City of Mińsk Mazowiecki

« City of Mińsk Mazowiecki » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »

Mińsk Mazowiecki has more than six hundred years history which is preserved in monuments and modern buildings. These historical sites illustrate its intense development in recent years. As the county seat Mińsk Mazowiecki stands as an administrative, cultural, and economic center for almost 40 000 residents. Mińsk Mazowiecki is conveniently located along both the main national and international roads. The city offers its inhabitants loads of cultural events to enjoy. We do our best to meet inhabitants’ needs and expectations. We take a great pride in army units which are based in Mińsk Mazowiecki, as well as the Europe Direct seat. We are honoured to cooperate with

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Mińsk Mazowiecki has more than six hundred years history which is preserved in monuments and modern buildings. These historical sites illustrate its intense development in recent years. As the county seat Mińsk Mazowiecki stands as an administrative, cultural, and economic center for almost 40 000 residents. Mińsk Mazowiecki is conveniently located along both the main national and international roads. The city offers its inhabitants loads of cultural events to enjoy. We do our best to meet inhabitants’ needs and expectations. We take a great pride in army units which are based in Mińsk Mazowiecki, as well as the Europe Direct seat. We are honoured to cooperate with different partner cities all over the world.

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Partner(s) :

ED Mińsk Mazowiecki, local schools and institutions: Culture Centere, Youth Center, Library, Minsk Land Museum

ELDW citizens participation activity

Flagship Event Laboratory of School Democracy

Local schools in Mińsk Mazowiecki
From 14/10/2024 to 18/10/2024

Public consultation - is it needed?

Culture Center in Mińsk Mazowiecki
From 17/10/2024 to 17/10/2024

Conference Local Democracy in Action

Culture Center in Mińsk Mazowiecki
From 17/10/2024 to 17/10/2024

The contents of this web page are published under the responsibility of City of Mińsk Mazowiecki https://www.minsk-maz.pl/


Image du partenaire
40 000 inhabitants