Türkiye Türkiye Altıeylül Municipality

Altıeylül Municipality

« Altıeylül Municipality » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »

Altıeylül is one of the Municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Balıkesir. Located in the heart of the city, Altıeylül is rich in history and cultural heritage. The local community, devoted mainly to agriculture and industrial sector, is bright and projected toward the future and to Europe.

ELDW citizens participation activity

Activity referring to the leading theme "Local communities: putting democratic resilience at the forefront"

"Cafe Talks" neighborhood meetings with the Mayor

Altıeylül Halalca Village

Democracy starts at school!

Altıeylül - Balıkesir
From 13/11/2024 to 13/11/2024

Flagship Event "International Day of People with Disabilities" Poetry reading event

Altıeylül- Balıkesir
From 03/12/2024 to 03/12/2024

Sport Diplomacy- International Meeting

Altıeylül Municipality
From 01/11/2024 to 01/11/2024

Children Council

Altıeylül Municipality
From 23/11/2024 to 23/11/2024

Communication campaign

ELDW Press Release

Altıeylül Municipality - Balıkesir

The contents of this web page are published under the responsibility of Altıeylül Municipality https://www.altieylul.bel.tr/#


Image du partenaire
185458 inhabitants