City of Trollhättan
« City of Trollhättan » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »
There are traces of settlements in and around Trollhättan from 7000 years ago and the a lot of activity has allways been focused on the waters of Göta Älv (river of the Geats/Goths) that flows through the city core. The name Trollhättan is made up of the words "Troll" and "hätta"; trolls hat. The story goes that huge trolls sleep in the river and waterfalls of Trollhättan during the day and all we see of them are their hats. During the night they ascend to caus all kinds of mischief. Today the river is busy with traffic, cargo ships and leisure boats. Kronan Kulturhus is one of the cultural centres in Trollhättan. It houses a library and a community centre for teens, further
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Partner(s) :
Högskolan Väst
Activity referring to the leading theme "Local communities: putting democratic resilience at the forefront"
The contents of this web page are published under the responsibility of City of Trollhättan