Sweden Sweden Södermöre, Kalmar municipality Digital dialouge with citizens

« Södermöre, Kalmar municipality » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »

Digital dialouge with citizens

Because of the pandemic, we had to be creative and come up with alternatives to physicals meetings and dialogues this year. With help from the digital meeting tool ”Teams”, we created a live sending dialogue online. Three local politicians participated and a moderator lead the dialogue and following discussions. We sent information to all our 3400 households and also Facebook commercials and information to our deliberative mini-public. In the advertisement, we informed that the dialogue was open for everyone, citizens, employee, NGO’s, children and so on. The questions to the local politicians were about out-door life, the need of a new pre-school in our central district, broadband connection, school meals and the last question was what the politicians is doing about the environmental toxins in a local river in our area. Some of the questions had to be investigated and we therefore promised to come back with information. We compiled a document we call: You asked - We said- This happened, with our answers. This document is now online on our webpage and also informed all households through our local newsletter that are handed out to every households four times a year. The evaluation of the digital dialogue was supported our job to inform our citizens.