Türkiye Türkiye Municipalité de Besiktas Be?ikta? Protecting Water

« Municipalité de Besiktas » participe à la Semaine européenne de la démocratie locale - un événement paneuropéen coordonné par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe - en tant que « ¨Participant »

Be?ikta? Protecting Water

Du 21/03/2020 au 15/10/2021
March 22 was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 as the World Water Day. On the 28th anniversary of this important day this year, we carried out a meaningful activity and hung awareness-raising posters on billboards at certain locations in Be?ikta? with the purpose of drawing attention to the water shortage caused by the global warming, which threatens the whole world and our country. Scanning the QR code on the posters with the slogan "No Savings, No Tomorrow", our citizens can access water saving brochures on the website of our Municipality. The teams of our Environmental Protection and Control Directorate started distributing aerators (energy-saving tap heads) to encourage our citizens living in Be?ikta? to save water. In addition to informative brochures and efforts aimed at saving water, related posters were hung in schools in our district with the purpose of raising awareness of children and young people about water saving.
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