Macédoine du Nord Macédoine du Nord Local Youth Council of the Shuto Orizari... "Meeting with the local councilors of the...

« Local Youth Council of the Shuto Orizari Municipality » participe à la Semaine européenne de la démocratie locale - un événement paneuropéen coordonné par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe - en tant que « ¨Participant »

"Meeting with the local councilors of the municipality of Suto Orizari"

Du 15/10/2020 au 15/10/2020
- On October 15, 2020 (Thursday) in the period from 10:00 - 15:00 the young people in the premises of the municipality of Suto Orizari had the opportunity to attend an info session with the president of the council and councilors of the municipality of Suto Orizari, to get acquainted with their functioning in the local self-government, as well as to be informed, asked and suggested about things that affect the youth at the local level. The young people asked about the function of the councilors, how they are elected, how many sessions are held on a monthly basis, what would they recommend to the young people from Suto Orizari and so on.