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Türkiye Türkiye Edremit Transition toward a Resilient and Greener City:...

« Edremit » takes part in the European Local Democracy Week - a paneuropean event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - as « Partner city »

Transition toward a Resilient and Greener City: Edremit Local Community Taking Action.

From 15/04/2022 to 01/11/2022
In the frame of the European Local Democracy Week 2022 Edremit Municipality empowered even more the activities of environment protection and transition toward a resilient city we implement during the year. According to the programme Zero Waste supported by the Turkish Government, Edremit Municipality proceeded to enrich the sustainable and environmentally friendly measures encouraging the strong participation of the local community. The activities organised in this frame enhanced the principles of participatory citizenship involving several groups of citizens in order to create a "Culture of Recycle". In this concern the municipality organised a series of training for children (elementary schools) and adults (administrators of condominium). During the trainings both schools and several pilot buildings were equipped with recycle bins (paper, glass, battery, aluminium, plastic). In addition, according to the consultations held with the groups of adults in the city council hall, a service of door- to -door collection of recycled waste was organised (particularly for exhausted kitchen oils). This last activity was aimed to establish the "Zero Waste System" in every neighbourhood of the city (starting from 1 pilot area). The training activities for children and adults were also finalised to reinforce the use and the positive environmental impact of the Centre for Recycle recently created by the municipality. The slogan used during the year was "Waste is not Waste until is Wasted". The trainings and the distribution of recycle bins in the schools, residential buildings and in a capillary way in several points of the city, is functional to the well functioning of the newly established Recycle Waste Collection Centre which is finalised to a more sustainable management of recycled waste. In this way, the waste can be managed directly in Edremit without the need to send them to other centres which are more far and for that implying a higher expenditures of fuel and higher emissions of Co2.
Image du partenaire