Autriche Autriche Bludenz Climate change adaption strategy

« Bludenz » participe à la Semaine européenne de la démocratie locale - un événement paneuropéen coordonné par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe - en tant que « ¨Participant »

Climate change adaption strategy

Du 08/11/2021 au 30/06/2022
A climate change adaptation strategy for the city of Bludenz is to be created. In order to increase the acceptance of the implementation of measures, a participatory approach both in identifying the risk landscape, the Regionalization of climate impacts, but also the collection of already ongoing measures and the development of new measures are important. In a such a participatory process politicians, municipal representatives, associations, representatives of committees, the agricultural community, fire brigade, etc. have to be involved.