Macédoine du Nord Macédoine du Nord Ville de Skopje 24 hours Open City Project

« Ville de Skopje » participe à la Semaine européenne de la démocratie locale - un événement paneuropéen coordonné par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe - en tant que « ¨Participant »

24 hours Open City Project

Du 31/01/2022 au 31/12/2022
Citizens can use our official website and our special email address to report any issue 24 hours every day. The issue is being directed to the appropriate department within City’s administration and responded to by a corresponding City official. The goal of this project is efficient and effective work of the city’s administration in service of the citizens, which will make Skopje a functional city that offers fast, quality and timely services for its citizens. With this way of communication, the City of Skopje comes closer to its citizens and aims to solve the daily challenges they face through direct contact with the City.
Image du partenaire